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First Days of Sukkot (and Shabbat)

Mizrachi Bayit Newsletter


First Days of Sukkot + Shabbat

Wednesday, Oct. 5 (Erev Sukkot)

Candle Lighting

6:38 pm


6:40 pm


6:56 pm


7:00 pm


Not before 7:36 pm

Thursday Oct. 6 (Sukkot 1)


9:00 am


6:40 pm


6:51 pm


7:00 pm

Candles / preparation for second night

Not before 7:34 pm

Friday Oct. 7 (Sukkot 2)


9:00 am

Candle Lighting

6:34 pm

Mincha followed by Kabbalat Shabbat

6:35 pm

Shabbat Oct. 8 (Shabbat Chol Hamoed)

Shiur on Akeidat Yitzchak

8:30 am

Shacharit (Kohelet)

9:00 am

Rabbi's Shiur

5:35 pm


6:35 pm

Ma'ariv and end of Shabbat

7:33 pm



Full Schedule
The full Mizrachi Bayit schedule for this month's holidays is available here.


Eruv Tavshilin Reminder
As a reminder, performing Eruv Tavshilin will enable you to properly prepare on Yom Tov for Shabbat. A primer of Eruv Tavshilin may found here.


Membership Dues
Your membership dues keep the lights on and ensures that our shul stays in operation. We have been holding the line on costs so membership is still just $250 for a single person and $500 for a family. If this is difficult for anyone, please talk to Jerrold Landau for a discount. Dues can be paid by cheque made out to Mizrachi Bayit and given to Morty, or online through Canada Helps.


Halachot for Sukkot: Rain and Bees (and More)
When can we make kiddush on sukkot? How much should we eat in the sukkah? What should we do if it rains or if we're attacked by a swarm of hungry bees? Rabbi Katchen has compiled this list of basic sukkot-related halachot in order to provide answers to our most common halachic questions at this time of year.


Sukkah Hop
Please join us for the annual Mizrachi Bayit sukkah hop! Fun, games, snacks and sukkahs! Sunday October 8th at 2pm (rain date October 9th). Please RSVP to if you'd like to join the hop or are interested in hosting in your sukkah.


Kids' Program Needs Your Help
A few teens have recently signed up to lead our kids' program on a part-time basis – and we would like to thank Rachela Smith, Meira and Sara Rotenberg, and Sarah and Marty Lebi for signing up! That said, we are still looking for more kids' program leaders. Please talk to your teenagers about becoming a part-time leader of the Mizrachi Bayit kids program. Get paid to help out on an occasional basis! Perfect for busy teens. Contact for more information.

Kiddush This Week
On Simchat Torah, there will be a kiddush-lunch after mussaf in honour of the new executive. All paid Mizrachi Bayit members are invited. Special thanks to Les Lightstone for sponsoring this kiddush.


Events and Resources  

Take advantage of the following events and resources: is initiating an exciting new podcast called Humash b'Iyun, in conjunction with Herzog College, taught by leading rabbis and scholars, begining with the new Torah reading cycle. Join us for 30 minutes a day, 6 days a week, in your car, home, or office, to study Tanakh in-depth, deepening your understanding of Parashat ha-Shavua. Learn about the context of each pasuk, the underlying structures of the text, emerging themes, and more.

More information may also be found here:



Laya Crust's Reflections on the Shabbat Readings

Please visit her website at


Shiurim This Week








8:30 am - Parshanut on The Akeda with Sholom Eisenstat 



8:30pm Shiur on tefilah of Rosh Hashanah

One hour before Mincha - Shiur with Rabbi Katchen 




Shalosh Seudot - Right after Mincha - Contemporary Halachic Problems





Fri, May 3 2024 25 Nisan 5784