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Parshat Beha'alotcha

Mizrachi Bayit Newsletter


Shabbat Times

Friday Night

Candle Lighting

8:34 pm

Mincha followed by Kabbalat Shabbat

7:00 pm

Shabbat Day


9:00 am

Rabbi's Shiur

7:45 pm


8:45 pm

Shalosh Seudot & Halacha Discussion

Following Mincha

Shabbat Ends

9:46 pm


Baruch Dayan HaEmet
The shul extends its condolences to Liora Zion and Ariel Burton on the passing of Liora's father David last week. The shiva concludes this afternoon (Friday). They will be davening mincha at the shiva at 2 Neptune Dr., #807, at 5 pm.

Upcoming Bat Mitzvah
The Mizrachi Bayit community is cordially invited to celebrate Baila Melamed's Bat Mitzvah on Shabbat, June 9th / Shabbat Parshat Sh'lach at The Toronto Heschel School (819 Sheppard Ave W). Lunch will be served. To accommodate the invited guests, the minyan will be moving to that location for that Shabbat morning service. Please RSVP to if you intend to attend.

Executive Meeting on June 17
If you're a member of the shul, please come to our executive meeting on June 17 to discuss our "regular agenda". We will announce a time in our next bulletin. In the meantime, feel free to speak to Saul Melamed if you have questions.

Volunteer Needed
The following is from Jerrold Landau. If you have any questions about this topic, please speak to him in shul.
The Bingo is a major source of income for the Mizrachi Bayit, helping to 
keep our shul afloat. We do not need to participate very often, as Ira 
Walfish takes care of many of the logistics. Nevertheless, at least one 
member must attend the Annual General Meeting.  We have been informed 
that the Annual General Meeting will take place on the evening of 
Wednesday June 20.  Time to be announced. We are looking for a volunteer 
from the shul membership to attend the meeting that evening.  No prior 
experience is necessary.


Community Announcements

Attention All Mizrachi Bayit Ladies!
Please consider attending the upcoming Emunah Shabbat event! See the attached flyer for details! Then, click here to register!

Remember to Vote on June 7
Remember to vote in the upcoming Ontario election on June 7. Please read more in this flyer.

Wed, May 8 2024 30 Nisan 5784