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Mizrachi Bayit Newsletter


Shabbat Times

Friday Night

Candle Lighting

4:52 pm

Mincha followed by Kabbalat Shabbat

4:50 pm

Shabbat Day


9:00 am

Rabbi's Shiur

4:20 pm


5:00 pm

Ma'ariv and end of Shabbat

5:57 pm


Our Condolences
We regret to inform you of the passing of Devorah Rus bat Naftali z”l – Debbie Yerushalmy, Sister of Mimi Shore. L'vayah and K'vurah were in Eretz Yisrael. Shivah will be observed 75 Lisa Crescent, Thornhill, until Sunday morning and then in Eretz Yisrael.

Friday Night at Terrace Gardens, Jan 25
Join Mizrachi Bayit at Terrace Gardens (3705 Bathurst St, North York) for Mincha followed by Kabbalat Shabbat on Friday January 25 at 5pm. As this is an unusual happening, so please bring your own siddur.


Introducing Mizrachi's New Learning Program
From Mizrachi Canada:
Our Chanukah learning program was an outstanding success – over 100 families leant together throughout Chanukah. We decided to continue with another project. From now until Purim we will be learning the entire Masechet Megillah with Talmud Yisraeli. Once a week, on Fridays, we will send out 5 minutes of learning material.
There will be questions every week and a raffle for all who answer the questions for great prizes. Looking forward to learning together. Please sign up here.


Join Tzurba M'Rabanan!
Click the page below for more info, and for a schedule:


Help Our Shul Sponsor a Refugee
Please join Les Lightstone in creating a Mizrachi Bayit-centred sponsorship group to help bring a refugee named Zewdi to Canada. Please read more information here.


Laya Crust's Reflections on the Shabbat Readings

Please visit her website at

Wed, May 8 2024 30 Nisan 5784