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Parshat Pinchas

Friday Night

Mincha followed by Kabbalat Shabbat

7:00 pm

Candle Lighting

8:29 pm

Shabbat Day


9:00 am      

Rabbi's Shiur
(Cancelled while the Katchens are away for the summer)



8:30 pm

Shalosh Seudot & Halacha Discussion

Following Mincha

Shabbat Ends

9:36 pm


Tisha B'Av Program

On Tisha B'Av (Sub. Aug 11), Jerrold Landau will be leading shacharit with
explanatory kinnot from 9:00 until about 11:30. In addition, click here to
view the schedule of Torah in Motion's upcoming Tisha B'Av program.


Mazel Tov to the Lightstones!

Mazel Tov to Les and Laya and the entire Lightstone family on the birth of their new granddaughter, born to Joey and Elianore in Jerusalem on Wednesday.

Our Shul Needs a New Name

Our shul, formerly known as the Mizrachi Bayit, needs a new name. Please send
ideas (multiple is fine) for potential names to Saul at
by Friday August 2. The Executive will choose a short list and then all paid
members will get a chance to choose from that short list which name we'll be
using going forward. That group choice will likely be made by ranked vote or
some such fancy method.


Sun, May 5 2024 27 Nisan 5784